
The most underrated love of a father, our unsung heroes

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It was Father’s Day last week and the social media was full of emotional messages for the dads across the globe. Let’s be honest, it’s just one day, we talk about the Superhero of our life. Rest days we boast about the sacrifices mothers do for their kids. How they juggle different roles, their sleepless nights and unbounded selfless love for the family etc etc. I don’t deny that a mother is the bearer of the family but we cant overlook the fact that a father is the pillar of the house. Fathers are generally men of few words and unlike mothers, they dont shower their love and express their feelings often. But, does that make them less important? NO!

The moment, a baby is born, parents are also born but we talk about only mothers. A father also have the equal contribution in making you. Just because, he doesn’t go through the labour pain and contractions, his love is underestimated and overshadowed by the roars of motherhood. 

Like your mother, he also fell in love with you the moment he laid his eyes upon you for the first time. His priorities also changed in life after your arrival. He also tries his best to protect you from any evil. Makes the best arrangements to welcome you home from the hospital, checks twice if your cot is bugfree before placing you in it. As you grow up, he prevents you from falling down from your bicycle, accompanies you to the parks so that you don’t hit yourself while swinging or taking rides. He acts as an invisible safety net for you throughout his life, no matter how old you grow.

While a mother juggles various roles raising you up, a father is no less. After a tiring day, working arduously and commuting long hours, he still plays with you joyfully, helps you with the maths homework, listens to your school tales, plans for the weekend outings or your birthday celebrations and much more while managing the finances of the family back of his mind.

There are many sacrifices a father do which go unnoticed, he miss many wonderful moments of his kids while busy earning bread for the family. When his kids took the first step on their own, he was running from pillar to post to give them a decent life. When his kids uttered the first word, he was delivering the presentation to crack the deal at office. He sacrifices that linen shirt which he wanted to wear instead buys a new uniform for his kids. He sacrifices his late night weekend parties with his friends just to see the beaming face of his kids when he is around. He sacrifices a cool lifestyle for himself just to ensure his kids and family are well fed and live a life of their choice. He sacrifices his wishlist to fulfill the dreams his kids have, be it, higher education, vacations etc.
This article is for all the amazing hands-on dads out there who don’t feel shame changing the diapers of their babies, helping their wives. For all the amazing dads who support their families come what may. You are doing a great job Daddy, more power to you. We treasure you equally!


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savitha's Blog
June 24, 2018 7:49 am

Every word is so true! People posting on social media messages on Father’s day, mother’s day when their own parents aren’t using those sites is an absurd sight to see ! That itself shows it’s just a day of showing off or just following the crowd blindly!!

Anagha Yatin
Anagha Yatin
June 24, 2018 8:17 am

Agree with you Vartika. The first ever gentleman in any child’s life is a power house. If one really has to pay tribute to him then one should follow his principles, values and teachings.

Akshata Ram
June 24, 2018 9:33 am

Times are changing and as Dads take up more responsibility at home with shared parenting, children will come to recognise them as not merely the bread winner and we will hear more about them on all days not just Father’s day

June 24, 2018 11:15 am

Actually, why do we need a special day for celebrating somebody? Are they special for that day only? Love can be shared/ spread every single day. Thank you for your amazing post!

Shilpa Garg
June 24, 2018 11:54 am

Agree with you, fathers work behind the scenes. They say that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by these little scraps of wisdom. So yes, they are superheroes with an invisible cape and must be celebrated every day!

June 24, 2018 11:59 am

Rightly said, vartika. Fathers are indeed the unsung heroes in our life. They go about taking up the responsibility, and more often than not they don’t even get the credit for it.

Sonia Chatterjee
June 24, 2018 12:26 pm

Ever since I lost my mother 7 years ago, my Dad had been playing the role of both the parents in my life. He continues to do so even today. He is my son’s favorite person on earth. Every single word of your beautiful article resonated with me.

June 24, 2018 12:28 pm

Absolutely agree with every word you have said here Vartika. Indeed, a father’s love is no less than that of a mother.

Sonia Chatterjee
June 24, 2018 1:02 pm

Hugs and love to you too

June 24, 2018 1:18 pm

Fathers are truly unsung superheroes. Moms steal their thunder, most of the time.

the bespectacled mother
June 24, 2018 1:23 pm

Rightly said. In the midst of the mothers basking in all the glory of raising their children by being involved on a day to day basis, making sacrifices along the way, there are dads who play their own role without attracting much attention. Fathers’ day, mothers’ day, all do not have to be limited to just one day but for each and every day of the year.

June 24, 2018 1:43 pm

Father’s role is underrated. They don’t get enough opportunities to prove their worth. But with time, dads took up many roles that were thought to be not meant for
them. I remember there is song in Marathi which talks about the dad’s role. It’s beautiful and brings tears to your eyes.

Happy to join you on WT.:-) looking forward to read your next post.

June 24, 2018 3:42 pm

A beautiful tribute to all the daddies! Yes, they are our invisible nets. Loved reading it.

Ramesh Huria
Ramesh Huria
June 25, 2018 2:57 am

Very well scripted Vatika . You have a good insight on the reality of life. God bless you and happy writings .

June 25, 2018 4:12 am

Awesome Vartika.. rightly said. Fathers do not get their due must of th times. The role of the Mom is huge but sometimes it is glorified a lot and fathers silent role is ignored.

June 25, 2018 5:26 am
Reply to  Vartikasdiary

Will do it surely Vartika

June 25, 2018 6:02 am

You’ve hit the nail on the head Vartika. Father’s are our unsung heroes. God Bless them all and may they continue have more happy memories of their children than just being around to pick up their bills.

Bhavna Saurabh Sharma
June 25, 2018 6:30 am

I totally agree with you Vartika.
Loved the write-up.

June 25, 2018 10:40 am

Very beautiful and very honest post. Fathers play huge behind scene and sometimes don’t get the deserved love or recognition. Beautifully said.

Esha M Dutta
June 28, 2018 5:21 am

I think after becoming a parent myself and seeing what it entails, I have realised why it is important to not just celebrate one particular day to honour our mums and dads but do it throughout the year in the countless moments of our everyday lives. It take a lifetime to realise what our dads have done for us because nobody sings their glory when they toil away through the best part of their lives to give us a good life.

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