Soulmates – A beautiful story of love and compassion
“Get up Ravi, we are very late, it’s already 8 am and you have an interview at 10. You don’t know Mumbai’s traffic, its crazy in the office hours and Mr. Singh who is ex-army personnel is very particular about timings. He doesn’t entertain people who are not punctual. So, get ready soon love, else we won’t be able to reach on time”, said Tina brushing her teeth, who also got up late today when her maid rang the doorbell. She instructed the maid what to be cooked in the breakfast and asked her not to cook lunch as she was already running late so will have it in office canteen.
Tina was working as a Marketing Manager in a reputed media house of Mumbai since last 4 years. It was her first job after finishing her MBA from Baroda. Tina and Ravi met during their MBA and had feelings for each other. They shared the common interest of singing and had performed together in many festivals in the college which brought them closer and fell in love.
After MBA, Ravi got a job in Delhi while Tina relocated to Mumbai. It has been four years, they both were busy in their jobs, doing well. They used to visit each other every 6 months, in Delhi or Mumbai. Their parents met during the graduation ceremony and were OK for their marriage alliance as long as they were happy together.
Life was perfect but this long distance relationship was bothering Ravi now. He wanted to live close to his love, Tina and share every moment of his life with her. They decided to settle in Mumbai so both kept an eye for a suitable job opening for Ravi. Luckily, Tina found one in her company itself, which was a burning requirement and the candidate was supposed to join in a month.
Both were sure that Ravi would crack it as he possessed the perfect skill set and experience required for that job. Ravi attended the interview and got the job. Both were jumping with joy as they were together again and a new life was waiting for them ahead. They celebrated the new beginning of their love life with a bottle of champagne in their favorite restaurant.
Life was moving at its pace and they were enjoying every bit of togetherness. Weekdays were spent in the office while weekends meant outings and eating out. They were having the time of their life together when one morning, Tina complained of stomach ache, she could not get up from the bed due to severe pain. They thought it was gastric because of the spicy dinner last night, as she had such pain earlier also, so she took a day off from office and rested the whole day while Ravi took care of her working from home. By evening, she felt better. It was weekend and they decided to stay at home and rest.
Monday afternoon, Tina fainted in office after lunch and was rushed to the hospital. After examination, the doctor suspected something was not right and referred a few more tests. Their life was shattered when the doctor told them she was dying as 70% of her liver was failed due to excessive drinking and an immediate liver transplant was needed to save her life. He gave the details of transplantation and directed them to their marketing team who explained to them about the cost involved.
“25 Lakhs, how will we arrange Ravi? All our savings will be gone still we won’t be able to arrange the amount and what about the donor? The doctor has told us there is already a long queue of patients waiting for a cadaver donor. At Least 2-3 years, we need to wait. Do I have so much of time?” Tina almost choked while speaking. She wanted to live. Both her parents were diabetic hence were not eligible to donate her the liver.
She was the only daughter so there was no one else in the family who could donate her liver. Time was slipping like sand and Ravi felt so helpless. He could see her dying, he wanted to save her at any cost. He went to Tina, kissed on her forehead and said, “I will not let you go, my soulmate. We will find the donor soon”. He caressed her hair, closed her and made her sleep.
He checked all her reports once again and mailed them to his cousin who was working in a semi-Government hospital in Delhi for a second opinion. After checking all the reports, he also confirmed that transplantation was the only option left. However, the cost in his hospital was much lesser than in Mumbai and the surgeons were also of high caliber having a great success rate. Now Ravi knew exactly what to do. He decided to fly to Delhi the very next morning. He picked up his phone and went out of the room so that Tina does not wake up with his voice. He called both the families immediately to Delhi and informed about Tina’s health.
The next morning, everyone met in Delhi at Ravi’s cousins house. Before going to the hospital, Ravi had something important to finish. He called a taxi and all of them sat in it, clueless where they were heading to. On reaching, all were surprised to find themselves in the court. Ravi decided to marry Tina. He already took an appointment and made other arrangements secretly with the help of his cousin leaving no room for anyone’s disagreement. They exchanged rings and garlands. It wasn’t the dream wedding with all the customs and rituals but there were silent vows for life. Vows for togetherness, love, support, understanding.
Ravi was now legally her husband, eligible to donate his liver. Back in the hospital, all his tests were done and yes, he was a perfect match too. Lying on the hospital bed, Ravi said to Tina, “Told you na, we will find the donor soon, wifey”. Tina could not speak up and just nodded her head, smiling while tears kissed her lips.
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