Interesting facts about the Budapest Zoo

Interesting facts about the Budapest Zoo – how it is different and unique from the other zoos

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After spending the first day hitting all the major sightseeing attractions in Budapest, we kept second and the last day of our trip free for The Thermal Bath for which Budapest is quite famous. Very excitedly, we packed our swimwears and reached the Bath. Unfortunately, we were not advised by their staff to take the kids inside as the temperature of the water was quite high. Not suitable for the kids under 14 years of age. Highly disappointed, we returned clueless where to go. More than us, the kids were upset as we had promised them to visit a swimming pool. Right opposite to the Bath, we noticed the Budapest Zoo. So, we assumed it might make up for the Bath and we chose to spend some time there.


The first sight was beautiful as the animals were roaming freely in their space.

So far, we have visited many Zoos in India and abroad and every time, we had to walk through to reach the animal zone but here it was different. The moment we stepped into the Budapest Zoo, we encountered many horses right at the entrance. 

Accessibility to the animals:

Another thing which made Budapest Zoo different from the other Zoos is the accessibility to the animals. We could actually touch the horses as they were just a few wooden bars away from us. Kids were playing with the horses and feeding them the straw.

As we moved on, we saw many exotic animals, few caged, few roaming freely in their assigned area. There was a goat yard where a lot of domestic goats were wandering. I am big time afraid of animals, even the harmless ones and this was my first ever close encounter with animals when I actually touched and played with them.

Just next to the goat area, was a staircase which took us to the furry creatures – the white and black rabbits. What beauty those were. Jumping over their cute tiny grooves and playing. It was fun to see them.

Kids Area:

There were many wooden playhouses here and there in the Zoo which made the best play area for the kids. Another thing that caught my fancy was the colorful small huts for the kids to play and pose for the pictures. Alongside the Zoo, there was a children park with many swings and other rides.


A pleasant encounter with Indian Mythology:

As we explored the other parts, it started raining. We halted at a place when something caught our attention. In a corner, we saw something familiar. We proceeded towards and were surprised to see the statue of Goddess Durga. It was just outside the Lion area. We entered inside to find out a huge Lion again in a different style. There was just a thick glass wall between us and the roaring lion instead of the iron cage. There was a note about Indian Mythology and its significance related to the Lion. Also, there was a Statue of State Emblem of India along with a note about it. I felt so proud to see and read that.

When we entered the Elephant area, we found a photograph of Lord Ganesha along with a note on Indian Mythology.

Country Zones

Budapest Zoo is divided into different zones like America Tropicana which represents the flora and fauna of the tropical climate of the American continent. India Zone displays Indian Lions and striped hyenae. Australian Zone has unique birds, reptiles, and amphibians of Australia. There is a Hillhouse also in this zone which has cassowaries, kangaroos, and wombats. Savannah Zone displays giraffes, gazelles, white rhinoceros, many species of birds, small mammals and insects. Madagascar Zone displays lemur species, Madagascar reptiles, tortoise, monkeys, and the rare golden-bellied mangabey. In good weather conditions, visitors can even walk to the animals in their open-air yard.

Magical Hill

There is a Magical Hill which displays the flora and fauna of the diversity and the relationship between human and nature. It has 4 floors and 16 showrooms. There is a Starspace where you can see a 3D screen of documentaries and cartoons on one hand and on the other, there is a live performance of “Animals in Action”.

Shark School

Budapest Zoo is also home to one of the best underwater Aquarium, The Shark School. It was an amazing experience walking underwater with sharks and many other huge fishes swimming in the blue water.

Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden in Budapest Zoo displays more the 100 species (from Central America, Africa, and Southeast Asia) of tropical butterflies and moths. We moved around in the same place jointly with the butterflies.

There is a well-maintained laboratory within the Zoo where highly trained scientists experiment on the different animals and study about them.

Another surprise – A treat for the kids!

Just above the laboratory, on the first floor, we found the well-preserved heritage which was one of the most interesting parts of this Zoo. I was surprised to see ancient Television, radio, telephone with a dial and old age cookwares.

We saw camels of different species, pigs, elephants, giraffes, deer, zebras roaming freely in the open air yard.

The monkeys had a designated area on a hill where they enjoyed jumping from cave to cave. It was well planned and intricately designed area.

The penguins were swimming in the small pool where the staff was feeding the fishes. A polar bear was another center of attraction for the visitors.

Budapest Zoo is huge with a rich and exotic collection of animals, birds, reptiles, fishes. You easily need 3-4 hours to cover it at leisure. There is an amusement park within the Zoo campus where kids can take many enjoyable rides. This place had all the ingredients for a kids paradise. It was a total paisa-wasool visit and we left the Zoo with happy and contented kids.






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Vibhu Gaur
April 9, 2019 9:49 pm

What a detailed and extensive coverage! Mesmerized by your ability to capture so much and present it beautifully too 🙂 ,

Maheshwaran Jothi
April 9, 2019 10:11 pm

Very informative post on the Zoo. Have been planning this for a while, and now tempted to add it to my list during the retun from Poland this easter vacation. Thank you!

April 10, 2019 3:27 am

This looks a wonderful place. Wish I could go there too

Sonia Chatterjee
April 10, 2019 3:41 am

This looks like a great place to visit also with kids. Never been to Budapest but your travel tips makes me want to take a vacation right away. The pictures are too cute.

Sanjota Purohit
April 10, 2019 3:47 am

Good to see that animals are kept free of the fence. Kids will sure love the Zoo.

April 10, 2019 3:56 am

That looks like a fairly family-friendly zoo! I like when zoos are mostly open areas instead of being made up of concrete enclosures only

Priyanka Nair
Priyanka Nair
April 10, 2019 5:30 am

What a beautiful compilation of all the details, loved the Rabbit Area, penguins and nice to see your kiddos enjoying the trip.

April 10, 2019 6:05 am

I can feel the joy by reading the post and watching the pictures. Lovely you and lovely kids.A perfect holiday destination for kids! You all enjoyed a lot.

Mayuri Nidigallu
April 10, 2019 6:10 am

This Zoo was more than just a zoo, and full of surprises too! What a plesant surprise the discovery of our Indian Gods must’ve been. The kids look delighted and going by all your smiles I would say a good time was had by all!

April 10, 2019 6:38 am

Interesting to see the Indian Mythology connection in Budapest Zoo. My kid would love the Shark corner a lot as now he is all into Sea Creatures

Neha Sharma
April 10, 2019 6:39 am

Wow, this zoo looks like a really fun place. I am sure your kids would have forgotten all about the bath after visiting this zoo. Lovely read.

Noor Anand Chawla
Noor Anand Chawla
April 10, 2019 7:19 am

Wow I had no idea the Budapest zoo is such a treat! I’m amazed to learn about Goddess Durga’s statue and the photo of Lord Ganesha!

April 10, 2019 7:55 am

I love zoos and so do my kids. My husband often laughs that I could easily make a record for maximum number of visits to any zoo in a lifetime. I loved the pictures and you and the kids definitely seem to have had some great fun. And yes it feels proud reading about the fact that some snippets of Indian mythology that are connected to animals have been put up at a zoo far away from the country.

Shubhra Rastogi
April 10, 2019 9:22 am

This zoo looks really interesting. I guess it is a combination of an amusement park, museum, zoo and play areas. Also, I was glad to see how they associated the gods with the designated animals. Looking at the pictures one can say you guys really had a great time.

April 10, 2019 12:04 pm

Loved reading a detailed post on Budapest.

pinakin joshi
April 10, 2019 12:55 pm

amazing post and pictures.

Ujjwal mishra
April 10, 2019 1:20 pm

This place is really awesome. I liked the shark zoo, Indian touch as well as the collection of old things. Infant i real it twice as i liked everything.hope I get to visit this place some day.

Sitharaam Jayakumar
April 10, 2019 2:03 pm

Wow! This zoo seems to be such a well maintained and beautiful one. The best zoo I have seen is the Trivandrum Zoo in Kerala and even that cannot match what you have describes. I guess being a foreign country rules are followed strictly and animals are really taken care of. Great post.

Ritu Kalra
Ritu Kalra
April 10, 2019 3:14 pm

Seems like your kids had a gr8 time at the definetly has got everything to keep the kids engaged and it’s full of happy surprises for them

April 10, 2019 6:28 pm

This looks like an awesome place… Your pics have added so much to the whole story…Great Post Vartika.

Vidhya Thakkar
April 10, 2019 7:42 pm

Woow! A detailed and a wonderful post!! Loved it!! And the pictures are amazing

Manas Mukul
April 10, 2019 7:58 pm

Wonderful happy post. Loved the pictures. Would definitely visit on my next eurotrip.

Anahita Irani
April 11, 2019 9:58 am

So unique indeed. This zoo is worth paying a visit. Animals can be viewed in close proximity. And best of all is the elephant enclosure.

April 11, 2019 4:20 pm

You had a great time. I guess Indians visit this zoo a lot , so may be the Goddess statue.

Mitali Jakatdar
April 11, 2019 6:42 pm

First of all a big hug n lots of kudos to you for this amazing blog piece.

April 11, 2019 7:47 pm

Wow such an informative post on zoo, i enjoyed reading it thoroughly and Loved your pictures! I would love to visit Budapest in future

September 10, 2019 3:39 pm

Interesting. The old things on display is a good idea to provide exposure to the kids. Must be from the Soviet era.

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