Quick Ways to boost your performance when working from home
I have been working from home for more than 11 years now. Not as a freelancer, it was a full-time regular job where I had the liberty to operate remotely. In today’s technology-rich…
And she dared to write again #myfriendalexa
Some two years ago, a girl dived into blogging by chance, Oblivious of the sea of the blogosphere, she was in her own trance Voicing and penning her thoughts brought her solace, And…
Nominated for Sunshine Blogger Award!
I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by an amazing blogger and a sweet friend, Priyanka Nair from Virtual Siyahi. Thanks a lot for this nomination, Priyanka, this feels good. Here are the…
Theme Reveal of Blogchatter #A to Z, a month-long Blogging Challenge. April Booked!
After a lot of ifs and buts, yes and no’s, finally, I decided to take up Blogchatter #A to Z challenge this year. Always wanted to participate but due to some personal commitments…
My learnings in the last 1.5-years and tips for the new bloggers from my personal experience #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa
After my First post in this challenge, I got many queries from the new and budding bloggers about the writing challenges I had shared. They had many other blogging related queries also so I…
5 Indian Writing Gurus / Blogging Champs who inspire me the most #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa
As I have mentioned a couple of times earlier too, the best part of blogging is connecting with like-minded people. You read, connect and get to know many fantastic writers whom you never…
Writer’s Block – A Myth or Reality? Guest post of the month by Sitharaam Jayakumar
First, I would like to thank my dear friend Vartika for inviting me to write a guest post on her very popular blog Vartikasdiary. I am indeed extremely happy to be able to…
Top 5 Highly recommended Blogging Contests, every serious blogger must participate in #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa
I had no clue about the A to Z of blogging when I embarked on my writing journey way back in Sept 2017. It was more of a catharsis for me as it…
Why participating in blogging challenges is always a good idea for every blogger and how it helps #myfriendalexa
It has been a year since I started writing. It has been an amazing experience so far. In the last 12 months, I have participated in many blogging challenges and contests which have helped me…
18 Options for making money, working from home! #myfriendalexa
In today’s world when technology is at its peak, work from home is an emerging trend. It is a great opportunity to many stay-at-home parents (not just moms but dads too) who don’t…