About Me

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Hello and welcome to Vartikasdiary!

I am Vartika, a twin mom, travel enthusiast, nature and DIY lover, an artist by heart, and a blogger by chance. I’m a small town girl and hail from Sitpaur district of Uttar Pradesh, married in Delhi based family. Currently, exploring life in another part of the world, Poland, miles away from my family in India. I am a dreamer and the mantra of my life is “Chase your dreams, not the people”.

I am a corporate professional who believes sacrificing your career after motherhood is not necessary. It should entirely be the woman’s choice to pursue, quit or take a break from her profession. A working mother can be an equally responsible and loving as a stay at home mother and a stay at home mom can be equally capable, efficient and qualified. None of them should be looked down upon.

On my blog, Vartikasdiary, I write about parenting, travel, holistic cooking, relationships, poetries, and fiction. You will also read honest and unbiased book reviews and recommendations. I am a contributor on various platforms like Momspresso, Women’s Web, Budding Star, The Financial Express, etc.

If you are a parent, you may find my blog useful as I try to share the various parenting challenges we face and how to handle them. Aspiring bloggers will find some great tips, pointers and blogging challenges that I have learned over the years. If you are into mindful eating, you will find some healthy yet easy peasy recipes and if you are a wanderer, you will read amazing travel posts here. You will find some great book recommendations on my blog if you are a bibliophile.

I am also a published author with two books in my credit. My ebook Travel, my way is a travelogue and is available on KDP. Also, I am a contributing writer in a poetry anthology, Contrivance of Sentiments.

You can write to me at vartikasdiary@gmail.com for any queries, suggestions, collaboration requests.

Thanks for dropping by and happy reading.

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October 26, 2020 12:09 pm

It is great to know more about you Vartika. Hope you are having a great time in Poland. What are the major differences you felt initially when you shifted there?

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