
A new beginning with my own blog website!

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Hello, all you awesome people,

So, the time is here to end the curiosity and reveal the secret you all had been waiting for. I have a bag of mixed feelings while writing this post today, I am quite emotional, excited and very nervous all at the same time as this is the last article I am writing in this space today. Around 11 months back, when I penned my first ever blog, I had no idea, this journey would be so awesome and enriching that I will go self-hosted so soon and launch my site, my own blog site. Yes, you heard it right, this is happening tomorrow!

Past 11 months had been really wonderful, I learned a lot, participated in many blogging contests, luckily won a few. Tried my hand in the various genre like fiction, humor, poetry, short stories, shared my parenting, traveling and food experiences and got abundant love from all my readers for which I am highly grateful to each and every one of you who read, liked, commented, shared and connected with my posts. Your words of encouragement boosted my confidence and helped me do better and better in every blog.

The best and my favorite part of this journey is that I made few amazing blogger friends whom I admire so much not just as a writer but as a person too. Their writings always touch my soul and I feel blessed to be connected with them today. Me, being relatively new to blogging, had no knowledge about contests, linking up the blog, social media promotions, collaborations, monetizing my blog or any other blog related terminology but these friends helped and guided me whenever I asked for their advice and never let me feel like a newbie. Their love and support were unmatched and I thank every one of them to help me grow in this journey. To name a few Alpana Deo, Anupama Dalmia, Zainab, Neha Gupta, Dr. Amrita, Vidya Thakkar, Disha Mehrotra and many more.

I would also like to thank my husband who had been my pillar of support and the reason, the push, the wind beneath my wings to start writing. My family and my best friend Shubnita, who is an amazing blogger herself, kept on encouraging me at every step of my journey. Another person whom I can’t forget and thank enough for her immense support is my dear friend, Megha, whom I met only a year back but she rules my friend’s list now. An amazing friend, mom and a beautiful person.

As I am embarking on this new journey of my life, I would need all your blessings and support like always. I would be very happy to know if you want me to write on any topics and I will try my best as per my capability to do justice with the subject.

Lastly, thank you again for all the love, stay tuned till tomorrow to get the first look of my baby blog.

Love you all.

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August 1, 2018 12:03 am

Awesome 🙂

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