18 Options for making money, working from home!

18 Options for making money, working from home! #myfriendalexa

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In today’s world when technology is at its peak, work from home is an emerging trend. It is a great opportunity to many stay-at-home parents (not just moms but dads too) who don’t wish to leave their kids at creche and want to take care of them on their own. People struggling with health issues or for some, who are unable to travel long distances for earning bread, such opportunities serve as a bliss. Nowadays, not only women but also men are embracing this option warmly.

Of course, it gives you some leisure but at the same time, there are few challenges too about which I will share in my next blog. Today, I am sharing a few options by which you can make money without traveling to your work daily. The prerequisites for most of the options are a laptop or computer, computer knowledge, good internet connection, decent communication skills, and a go-getter attitude.

So, here is the list:
Become an Airbnb host: 

Airbnb is a leading trend across the globe where people rent out their whole house or just a part of it to the travelers. So, if you have some space in your home which is free, clean and well furnished, you can register your property of Airbnb and get started. The best part is that the payments are prepaid so there is no risk. You need to put the entire description of your place, rooms, common area, toilets, kitchen, appliances, amenities, rules, price per night along with a few pictures.

It is advisable not to share any fake information otherwise the guests might give a poor rating and bad review which will affect your future sales. I personally have been using Airbnb accommodations for quite a while now and pretty satisfied with the service. People opt for this option as it is cheaper than the hotels plus have kitchen facility also which makes their travel budget friendly. More details at https://www.airbnb.com/

Multi-level marketing: This is not a new concept anymore. Many people across the globe are associated with various multi-level marketing companies like Amway, Oriflame, Avon, ASEA, Herbalife etc. and earning well. However, it is not a cheesy job and requires hard work, persistence and interpersonal skills to build a network and start your income. But as it is said, no pain no gain, it’s all worth it.

One of my friends started her journey with Oriflame as a Consultant and now, after a few years, she is at the Director level and doing wonders. So friends, if this sounds interesting to you, you feel you have marketing skills and are OK to do a small investment to start off with this business, this could be a great option to choose. More details at http://www.amway.com/https://oriflameRemove featured image.com/, https://aseaglobal.com

Blogging / Content writing:

If you have a knack for writing, Blogging can help you earn. Content is the key and is in demand everywhere, be it websites, brand promotions, book reviews etc. There are many companies who look for freelance content writers who can write for their products (toys, perfumes, toys, clothing, shoes etc.), so you can apply to the jobs they post time to time and you never know when it clicks for you. Please understand it takes time in monetizing your blog, please don’t expect overnight lotteries.

Vlogging / Youtuber:

Vlogging is trending a lot these days and people are making money too through it. It is nothing but the video blog. Unlike bloggers, vloggers create content using their camera. They prepare creative videos on various topics like parenting, social issues, relationships etc. depending on their interest and niche and upload them to on Youtube to deliver their message, ideas, and opinions to the audience. After a certain no. of views, they get paid. So, if you think you have good photography skills and have some ideas to share with the public, you can try your hand in vlogging.

Office space for rent:

Like Airbnb, another trend is leasing your property as office rental. People are making money by offering the entire property or just a room or two. You can check https://odoco.co/ for more details.

Daycare for kids:

If you love to play with kids and have enough patience to handle them, this could be a nice option for you. Many working parents leave their kids at creche or daycares. You can either start it at your place or visit their place and babysit.

Pets home:

If you are a pet lover, you can start a pet home or even you can earn money merely by taking other dogs for a walk or pet sitting at your place or owner’s place. However, this trend is yet to start in India, its already up in the US and other countries. You can register on the site like www.dogvacay.com and www.rover.com to find any suitable job for yourself. Pet hostels are getting popular too as many people cant travel with their pets all the time and need accommodation for them.

Tiffin service:

Fond of cooking? Does everyone praise your food? Then why not utilize your skills and monetize your talent. Tiffin service is very common everywhere. Not only bachelors but also married couples who don’t have time for cooking opt for packed tiffin meals daily. You need to be sure about the hygiene and health both.

Tuitions or hobby classes:

This is one of the ways you can sit at home and earn. You can start taking tuitions or any art and craft, paintings, cooking, music, dance, language classes (if you know any). Not only you will earn through this but also enhance your skills through regular practicing.


There are many companies which hire work from home/freelance recruiters with excellent communication skills, basic computer knowledge, and a good internet connection. Your job will be to source the relevant CVs on various job portals depending on the job skill set. Companies prefer experienced people who have an understanding of the recruitment process, however, if they find you a potential candidate, they provide training also. You can google freelance recruiters/work from home recruiter in job portals like https://www.naukri.com/, https://www.monster.com/ etc. and you will get many options where you can apply.

Virtual jobs:

These are getting popular these days as companies hire resources as and when they have a requirement. So, if you are a multitasker and well-organized person, take a look at these sites once: https://www.upwork.com/https://www.workingnomads.co/jobs, https://www.flexjobs.com/

Hosting meals:

If you are passionate about cooking and love meeting new people, you can try hosting lunch/dinners at your place. There are few sites like https://www.eataway.com/https://www.mealsharing.com/where you can register as a host and start off with your culinary journey.


Transcription means to type the content of the audio after listening to it. You will be given an audio clip which you need to hear properly and jot down the content of the same. The audio could vary from doctors advise to minutes of meeting to expert lectures etc. Check https://transcribeme.com/ for more details.

Online trainer:

Online trainings are stealing the show these days. Many people who are unable to join the full-time courses because of their schedule and other commitments, join online training to enhance their skills. So, if you think you have good training skill and you can teach and share your knowledge with people, you can explore this option. There are many such courses on various subjects like languages (English, German, French etc.), painting, dancing, cooking, fitness, music technical topics etc. You can be a trainer as per your subject knowledge.


This is another online training program only. If you are good in the calculation, a mathematics expert having an interest in teaching, you can register yourself as a trainer with  https://www.cuemath.com/. However, you need to qualify their test to work as a trainer with them as they hire well knowledgeable professionals and experts only.


There are many companies who are always on a lookout for people who can participate in their surveys and opinion polls and share their thoughts with others. Your identity is not revealed to the public and privacy is well maintained. Surveys are on different topics like life in your city, parenting related topics, health-related, shopping habits etc. But there are many scammers also who take benefit of people and trap them asking for their card detail or personal information. So, you need to be careful while choosing the site and make sure it is a verified one. A few trusted sites are https://www.pineconeresearch.com/https://darwinsdata.com.

Data Entry:

There are many data entry jobs available on the market today. A lot of companies delegate this job to freelancers who get paid after the entry is completed. However it is a very exhaustive job and requires a lot of patience and time but if you think, you can manage, you can try it out.

Shopping Evaluator:

Who doesn’t love shopping, rather I should say window shopping? You can become a shopping evaluator and earn money. You need to visit various brand stores, evaluate their products and service, in case you buy anything from the store, you can share your experience and review the product also. However, there is no compulsion to buy. You are assigned the stores based on your location and city. You can explore https://www.albatross-group.com/ for more details.

Hope you liked this article and find it useful. Good luck.

 ‘I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter’
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Alpana Deo
September 22, 2018 2:31 pm

Internet has made things easy. Now a days, work from home option is picking up fast. No need to keep ourselves restricted. I knew a few of these.will check the links you have mentioned.

#MothersGurukulreads #Myfriendalexa

Maya Bhat
September 22, 2018 2:39 pm

Omg !! This is so much of options 😍. Work from home is really a great concept. I am one who works from home. Even though I started working from home because I cannot work on a dependent visa, I am planning to take this forward throughout.

Prerna Wahi
September 22, 2018 9:25 pm

That’s a comprehensive and exhaustive list Vartika. Well researched and useful. Lots of options are available in this digital age!

richa mina
September 23, 2018 6:08 am

these are great options i like shopping evaluator and pet carer most out of all

Veena Haridas
September 23, 2018 11:17 pm

There are some unique options that I never thought of!! Thanks for this list 🙂

Sonia Chatterjee
September 24, 2018 11:08 am

Very well researched and exhaustive list. I like the disclaimer about blogging that pls don’t expect overnight results.

Surbhi Prapanna
September 24, 2018 8:31 pm

Great list Vartika. I agree internet has changed lives of so many people and now we can do lots of things as per our interest and preference with this medium. some are options are new to me in this list, will explore them. #surbhireads


[…] feel alone in the club. In the meantime while you hunt for another job, you can consider work from home options to earn […]


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