Guest Post

All about having a media kit, an informative post (Guest Blog) by Novemberschild

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A media kit is a document which outlines your blog business. It is your blogging CV, anything you have done on your blog should be included in your media kit. Try to keep it as small, simple and as to the point as possible. Brands and PR people don’t want to spend ages reading through everything about your blog without them needing to ask you questions, I’ve become aware of the fact that people want a quick glance at a stand-out media kit which explains a bit about yourself and about your blog.

If you’re wanting to make your own media kit, you can have look at some sample ones on Pinterest, creative market, Canva or Zine – all of them are awesome websites where you can make your own media kit with loads of style to choose from.

Making a media kit is vital for every blogger needs, especially if you’re associated with brands or want to. I never had a media kit and I still work without one but it has become a need of the hour and I will be making mine soon. With that being said, making a media kit isn’t as much as a huge task.


What to Include in the media kit?

Blog Header – This is a must and should be at the top of your media kit.

About Yourself & Your Blog – with a possible photo. These don’t need to be massively worded – give simple facts which are straight to the point.

Stats & Followers – Make sure that you include your statistics and traffic, and your following count but make sure you keep it all updated.

What You Offer – Services you offer for brands or other bloggers. Would you like to do blog post reviews, giveaways, guest posts, etc? Make sure you include what you and your blog offer.

Contact Information – Put your email address and your social media links on your media kit so that brands know where to message you, follow you or simply just check you out.

Pricing –  Figuring out how much you should charge per service is very tricky. But your experience will help you to decide that you’re not undercharging a brand, but also not send them a figure that will scare them away? Be realistic.

Brands you’ve worked with – If you haven’t worked with brands before, you can just skip this step. Brands will be interested in knowing what brands you’ve already worked with. If you’ve worked with many brands before, only show off 10 of the biggest named brands.

Testimonials – If you’ve previously worked with a brand or an agency that you’ve developed a good relationship with, go back to them and ask them to write a testimonial about you and your blog. It’s really reassuring for brands to read that other brands have already had a positive experience with you, and it’s just another way to convince them that you’re worth their time!

Benefits of having a media kit
  • Introduce your brand more effectively
  • Convey professionalism
  • Answers the who, what, where, when, how & why for your blog
  • No need to repeat yourself, compose a kit once, update as necessary and keep sending!
  • Increase blog relevancy
  • Increase blog traffic.

Points to note
  • Whenever you contact a brand, tell them that you’ve attached your media kit. Don’t just ask if they would like to see it.
  • Update your media kit monthly.
  • Do some research on what your rates should be
  • Increase your rates as you grow
  • Not every brand that sees your media kit will want to work with you.


Your media kit is a fluid document that should always be changing and getting better. But even if you have only a little bit to offer, still make one and keep it handy. Don’t wait to show it off until you’re ready to go ahead with it. Hopefully, after reading this post, you’re excited to work on your media kit as well.


About the Guest blogger:

Novemberschild is a talkative person who speaks a lot on Twitter-@Romspeaks about her past, her thoughts and plans for the future through her tweets, blog, and articles. She loves good food, road trips and lots of music. She has been with paper and pen since she was a teenager. She is a lover of coffee, dresses, bangles, books and floral vintage things. She can be met at Starbucks or else indoors scrolling through Twitter and writing. She started blogging in 2004 to continue her passion for writing that she always held, allowing her to be creative in her own little space on the internet, and hopefully to inspire, relate to people and maybe even make them think, feel and sometimes laugh with her words.

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Sonia Chatterjee
December 28, 2018 9:24 am

This is an amazing post. But I’m not surprised because the queen of blogging Romila always brings out amazing quality through her content.

January 7, 2019 12:15 pm

Example the information I’ve been looking for. Time to get started on my own media kit!

Jenifer Sayyed
January 7, 2019 3:12 pm

This post is super helpful. I have media kit but many things missing as mentioned, will update it now. Hopefully, it will help to collaborate and grow. Thanks for sharing.

Pooja Budhiraja
January 7, 2019 6:45 pm

This is very helpful post for all who wants to make media kit or who already has but do not update on regular basis. Its required..

January 7, 2019 7:25 pm

This post is so important for every one to learn and write their own kit.Im definitely bookmarking it.

Ritu Kalra
Ritu Kalra
January 7, 2019 7:28 pm

This is really very helpful post..many brands request for media kits…it’s very important to have an impressive media kit and have all the required information in it..

Gurjeet Chhabra
January 7, 2019 8:49 pm

This is a really very informative post for a blogger like me. You have cleared a doubt what a social media kit should have. It is very necessary for every blogger approaching a brand .

Snehalata Jain
January 8, 2019 4:05 pm

I will definitely take ur tips n write a social kit for myself

jaideep khanduja
January 8, 2019 5:29 pm

of course media kit is essential these days and has numerous benefits.

Preety Tiwari
January 9, 2019 5:14 am

Great post Vartika, it’s very informative, helpful and on point. I will surely keep this points in my mind before updating my media kit.

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