It’s time to pause, reflect, appreciate and count our blessings
The last few days have been really disturbing and harrowing for the entire world. A small, invisible virus has created havoc and shaken everyone, no matter which corner of the globe we are in. We are totally under house arrest for the last 2 weeks now. Stocked up the basic commodities required for survival as we are uncertain about what the future beholds. The rate at which the numbers are mounting up is alarming. The crazy time we are living in has made me realize the importance of many small things that I am grateful for, and I count my blessings every moment.
Every day, when I snuggle in my cozy blanket, I feel grateful that I have a shelter and a roof over me to lock myself in, safe and hygienic. There are many homeless exposed to infection.
Every day, when I and my husband work from home, I count my blessings that we have this flexibility and the salary will be credited end of the month. There are many daily wage workers, domestic help, etc. who can’t afford to sit at home even for a day.
Last week, while I was talking to the mom of my daughters’ friend, who is a single mother, she told me how tough it is for her to close down her salon and not going for work. There are many like her.
Every day, when I see my family, my kids, I count my blessings that I’m with my loved ones. There are many away from their abode, feeling homesick and longing to be with their kith and kin.
Every day, when fear grips me and I divert my mind by reading or listening to music or call my family members, I feel grateful that I have enough facilities and resources (wi-fi, electricity, books, devices, etc.) to keep myself entertained and sane.
Every day, when I cook for my family, I count my blessings that I have a fridge stocked with food to feed my family. Not everyone is capable of it. Last night, while eating dinner, we were watching the news and I almost choked to see the plight of daily wage laborers, rickshaw pullers, and other such people below the poverty line.
We have the privilege to order stuff online and store for even a month or more but there are many who earn and eat every day. They neither have money to buy nor resources to stock stuff. My sincere prayers for such families and their survival. And a request to all of you reading this post – please help others.
It is time to use our privileges for others. If you come across any rickshaw wala, iron wala, hawker, maids, homeless or anyone in need, please help them financially. When you buy groceries, pay them a little more.
Help the hospitals by donating whatever little possible. Boond boond se sagar banta hai (Little drops make the mighty ocean). When we eat out or travel, we don’t mind spending a fortune, now it’s time to give back to society. So, let’s do it together.
Yes, we are clouded with uncertainty and fear but it is time for us to be mindful, behave sensibly. Time to take precautions, stay home, work on increasing immunity.
It’s time to be a human first and support the needy, old people to shop for medicines and groceries. It is time to thank our medical force, soldiers who are still on duty, police, and Govt. It’s time to pray for the healing of infected ones and that we get a solution to this epidemic soon.
And most of all, its time to take a pause, reflect and appreciate the little things that make a huge difference in our day to day lives but go unnoticed. It’s time to count our blessings and thank the Almighty for all that He has given us.