Book Review of 26 Days 26 Ways to a Happier You by Priyanka Nair
Book Reviews

Book Review of 26 Days 26 Ways to a Happier You by Priyanka Nair

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I came across Priyanka’s posts during BlogchatterA2Z challenge and can’t be happier that I discovered a gem during this journey. I always waited for her posts every day as the topic she chose was the need of the hour. She is a survivor and this is her debut book. So, here goes the book review of 26 Days 26 Ways to a Happier You.

Title of the book: 26 Days 26 Ways to a Happier You
Genre: Mental Health
Rating: 4.5/5
Author: Priyanka Nair

About the Author:

Priyanka Nair is a master’s in finance and has worked with renowned multinational companies in her professional career of eight years until she received her calling as a blogger. Presently pursuing Doctorate in Psychology.
Born and bought up in a North Indian family and married in a South Indian family helps her explore different cultures and traditions. Priyanka started her blogging journey in 2017 and is a budding author who has made significant contributions in the field of mental health awareness.

She is the face behind Virtual Siyahi and is popular by this name in the blogosphere.


Being a mental health awareness blogger, Priyanka has shared her valuable suggestions and explained how to overcome different mental problems. These problems are complex, but she has succeeded in giving a simple yet logical explanation for the various problems of mental health. This book is highly recommended for people under depression, or who are facing a mental block. It will also help people who want to educate themselves about mental illness.


In today’s world where people are dealing with anxiety and stress at different levels, this book is a ray of hope. Being a survivor herself, Priyanka has shared some excellent tips to cope with mental illness. Through her comforting words, she has tried to soothe the people suffering from depression and bring a smile on their faces.  This book is a channel through which she has attempted to spread about Mental Health Awareness, Self-love, Self-help. She has also focused on topics like breaking societal Stereotypes and overcoming them in alphabetical order.

“Accepting self, living in the moment, expressing gratitude and being grateful for what we have”, Priyanka says.

She has initiated the book with topics like Acceptance, Being yourself and Criticism before moving to Depression. This book will guide you about the causes of depression and the ways to help someone who is fighting with it. Priyanka has written about one very serious issue which is quite a prominent topic today – EGO. I loved her insights on it the most.

Also, she has shared 6 S (Self-love, control, acceptance, awareness, acceptance, and discipline) vividly. I appreciate that the author did not shy away from sharing instances from her personal life to illustrate various topics. This has added a personal touch to the book and the reader can connect well with the emotions. Of all the chapters, one that stands out for me is “Gita Saar”. How beautifully Priyanka has interpreted the essence of the holy book, is commendable.

The book is divided into 26 main chapters with sub-chapters as and when required. As you move forward, you will read about how to control negative emotions, itchy intentions, lack of sleep, mental arguments, narcissism, overcoming fears, poisoned thoughts, a quest for inner peace, stigmas, and stereotypes, etc. Each and every chapter is thought-provoking and highly informative.

Another notable thing in this book is the inspiring quotes she has shared in every chapter. 

She named her way 9 as Itchy Intentions, which is quite innovative, yet thought-provoking. Here the author puts forward different situations from her life which she termed as itchy, in the sense that they have the power to full us to a deflating experience. But she presents a strong justified way out with self-exemplary situations. A reader will find many such moments in the entire book, where you will feel like reading and re-reading the part, which is the charm of the book.

In the concluding chapter of the book, Priyanka has shared about her personal life. The struggles and challenges she has faced and how she overcame those blocks. It must not be an easy job to pen down and open your life’s diary in front of the world and the author deserves applause for the same.


This book has been written as a part of Blogchatter e-book carnival. You can grab your copy which is available for a free download for a limited time only here

So, this was my honest book review of “26 Days 26 Ways to a Happier You” written as part of Blogchatter Book Review Program. Hope you will enjoy reading this book too.


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Priyanka Nair
June 2, 2019 10:52 am

Thank you so much for this thoughtful and beautiful review Vartika. Feedback like these helps me to believe in my thought process and my idea of spreading this awareness.


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